11 Ways You Can Use This Professional Design Trick At Home

Here's a nifty trick for organizing your space in a way that suits your lifestyle and keeps your abode shipshape: follow your desire paths.

What are desire paths, you ask? Well, they're the trails folks carve out by seeking the most direct route, ignoring the established walkways.

Take Ohio State's urban planners, for instance. When planning the quad, The Oval, instead of laying out paths that looked good on paper (probably some orderly grid), they watched how people naturally got across. They let the grassy canvas be and observed the students weaving their own paths. They followed these paths, and made intuitive and user-friendly walkways.

And guess what? You can do the same at home. Here are 11 ways to sprinkle this concept into your daily domain:

1. Purposeful Decluttering

Desire paths in your home start with decluttering. Spot where stuff piles up - countertops, tables, or entryways. Clear them and set up storage zones to keep chaos at bay.

2. Streamlined Closet

If you're all about a few favorite outfits, curate a capsule wardrobe with those key pieces and separate them from the rest of your clothes. This way you won’t be wasting time looking for your favorite top in the morning.

3. Kitchen Choreography

In the kitchen, dance with the desired paths of your cooking routine. Organize tools and utensils in sync with these paths for a smoother culinary waltz.

4. Work Nooks

For students or remote workers, figure out where you naturally drift when studying or working. Mold your workspace around this spot for peak productivity.

5. Kid-Friendly Chaos Control

Kids have their own play routes. Arrange toy storage and play areas according to these paths, promoting organized chaos.

6. Bathroom Ballet

Recognize your go-to products in the bathroom. Organize your essentials along these paths to turn your daily routine into a well-choreographed performance.

7. Garage and Storage Stroll

Sort your garage or storage based on how often you need things. Everyday items close at hand, occasional-use stuff a bit farther away.

8. Entrance Ensemble

In your entryway, create zones for keys, coats, and shoes along your natural in-and-out paths. It's like inviting guests to dance.

9. Living Room Limelight

When arranging furniture, consider family desire paths for TV, talk, or reading. Arrange the furniture in tune with these natural rhythms.

10. Laundry Labyrinth

In the laundry room, set up supplies based on your laundry routine. From sorting to folding, let the tasks flow in a choreographed sequence.

11. Daily Routine Routes

For daily routines like coffee rituals, exercise, or meditation, set up zones along your natural paths during these activities.

As you sift through what's essential and what's just gathering dust, you'll realize that the stored items are easily forgettable. And hey, have some fun with it! You might discover surprising habits in your nest that'll make you smile. Ever wondered what other hidden rhythms await rediscovery in your home?

Jane Dolan

Jane founded Jane Organizes in 2008 after a 20-year stint at a Design + Build firm in San Francisco. Jane loves working with rebels and dreamers, co-creating homes they will love. The KonMari Method™ is Jane's organizing tool of choice, after drinking the elixir in 2014.


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