7 Reasons Why You Should Embrace Gratitude This Thanksgiving Season (From A Professional Tidier)

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and the feelings of transformation and gratitude (both key ingredients to successful tidying) hang in the air. 

As a Master KonMari Method® Consultant, I know how important gratitude is in the world of tidying. It can be the difference between everlasting change and slipping back into old ways, it is that powerful.  Let’s go more in depth as to why:

1. Mind-Body Connection

The KonMari Method® emphasizes the connection between the mind and the body. Expressing gratitude involves a conscious acknowledgment of the positive aspects of your life. This mindful approach helps individuals develop a more profound connection with their belongings and living spaces.

2. Shift in Perspective

Gratitude encourages a shift in perspective. Instead of viewing tidying as a chore or a burdensome task, expressing gratitude helps individuals see it as a positive and transformative experience. This shift in mindset can make the tidying process more enjoyable and fulfilling.

3. Positive Energy

Marie Kondo believes in the power of positive energy and how it can influence our living spaces. Expressing gratitude towards our possessions is seen as a way to infuse positive energy into our homes. This positive energy, according to the KonMari philosophy, contributes to a more joyful and harmonious living environment.

4. Connection with Belongings

By thanking each item for its service and expressing gratitude for its role in your life, the KonMari Method® encourages a deeper connection with your belongings. This practice helps individuals become more aware of the significance of each item and fosters a sense of appreciation for the things they choose to keep.

5. Decision-Making Guideline

Gratitude serves as a guiding principle in decision-making during the tidying process. When deciding whether to keep or discard an item, individuals are encouraged to consider whether the item sparks joy and whether they feel grateful for its presence in their lives. This emotional connection becomes a criterion for making decisions about what to keep.

6. Cultivating a Positive Environment

Expressing gratitude contributes to the creation of a positive and uplifting environment. By focusing on the positive aspects of our living spaces and possessions, we create a home that is not only organized but also filled with items that bring us joy and satisfaction.

7. Emotional Well-Being

The KonMari Method® places a strong emphasis on the emotional impact of our living spaces on our overall well-being. Gratitude, as a practice, has been linked to improved mental health and a more positive outlook on life. By incorporating gratitude into the tidying process, individuals may experience a boost in emotional well-being.

Gratitude is an integral part of the KonMari Method® because it adds depth and mindfulness to the process of tidying. It transforms the act of decluttering into a journey of self-discovery, appreciation, and the creation of a living space that truly aligns with one's values and brings lasting joy. So this Thanksgiving, go around your home and take time to thank all of your items for all their help.

Jane Dolan

Jane founded Jane Organizes in 2008 after a 20-year stint at a Design + Build firm in San Francisco. Jane loves working with rebels and dreamers, co-creating homes they will love. The KonMari Method™ is Jane's organizing tool of choice, after drinking the elixir in 2014.


Your Tidying Guide to Host a Stress-Free Thanksgiving This Year